Hello everyone ..
Soursop? It is my favorite fruit. Sour and sweet taste, hmmmm yummiii .. very tasty. Especially if made in the juice, very very tasty .. and soursop fruit is also very easy to find in Bali.
"oh my god, can I eat it?"
Did you know? soursop fruit has many benefits that we do not know. then what is the benefit?
Let's read the following reviews:
Ulcer Medicine
"i know its hurt.. :-("
To treat ulcers with Soursop fruit is easy enough, take the soursop fruit is still young then Knead and stick it on Ulcer.
Prevent Cancer
"Yes we care. :-)"
Soursop leaves can increase endurance. Soursop leaves can also kill cancer cells more quickly and safely than have to do chemotherapy which has many side effects and the cost is also very expensive.
To treat cancer:
Take 10 soursop leaves are old and in good condition. Then wash thoroughly with water. Then boiled with three glasses of water, and simmer until just have left the glass. Let cool boiled water and drink twice a day for a week. When you possess a good effect, then you can continue to drink the cooking water.
Hemorrhoid Cure
"I don't know and I don't want to know how you feel"
The most annoying disease that never existed. Often experienced by women, now no need to worry anymore because the cure is quite easy way.
How to cure:
squeeze the ripe fruit soursop
take the water (just one glass).
then drink the water twice a day, morning and afternoon.
So, after you know the many benefits of soursop fruit, what you do not want to try to eat it? :-D